24/7 Christian News

The News For Christians, By Christians.


Trump Felony Conviction: A Law Tailored for Distraction

The world of politics is often riddled with distractions and diversions, making it increasingly difficult for the public to discern the real issues. The recent felony conviction of Donald Trump has sparked a wave of intense debate and speculation.

Is Jim Jordan’s Ascension to House Speaker Imminent?

Is Jim Jordan’s rise to House Speaker imminent? A skeptical analysis seeks to shed light on the matter.

Russia’s Tank and Artillery Output Surges Despite US Sanctions

Russia’s Tank & Artillery Ammo Output Skyrockets Despite US Sanctions

The Unyielding Force: Trump’s Mug Shot Reinforces Resilience

Title: The Unyielding Force: Trump’s Mug Shot Reinforces Resilience Excerpt: In the depths of his mug shot, a reflection emerges; a testament to an unyielding force that has defined him. Donald J. Trump, a polarizing figure, has weathered countless storms, yet his resilience remains unwavering. With eyes that hold stories untold and a countenance that defies defeat, his mug shot encapsulates a man whose strength knows no bounds. Through adversity and triumph, love and hate, he remains an enigma, forever standing against the tides of time.

Florida Approves Mainsail & Tailrow for Statewide Insurance

Florida Approves Mainsail & Tailrow for Statewide Insurance

Ukraine-Russia Treaty: Assessing the March 2022 Agreement

Analyzing the Ukraine-Russia Treaty: A Crucial Assessment of the March 2022 Agreement

DeSantis Rolls Out a New Immigration Policy That Mimics What Donald Trump Produced.

I would end birthright citizenship, build a southern border wall, and invade Mexico with America’s military to take out drug cartels. Does any of this sound familiar? It should. It is akin to what Donald Trump wanted to do when…

Tropical Storm Cindy Strengthening As It Heads For Florida

Table of Contents Tropical Storm Cindy is strengthening as she heads for Florida, bringing the potential for heavy rain and strong winds. The storm is expected to land in the Florida Panhandle on Thursday of next week, bringing the potential…